If you are in the market for products listed alongside the NSN 4730-01-614-4760, look no further than Just In Time Parts. To simplify the procurement process, all that we carry with the NSN 4730-01-614-4760, including part numbers like 2ALA12046, and others, are presented below with various listing information for quick identification. Additionally, clicking on the “RFQ” button next to any part number will direct you to a Request for Quote (RFQ) form that can be submitted at any time to receive procurement options from our staff. All that we ask is that you supply us with enough information to best accommodate any particular restrictions or needs that you may have, and we will respond within 15 minutes of our receipt and review.
Keep in mind that every product listed here can be dependably traced back to NSN parts suppliers or manufacturers that we trust and have thoroughly vetted as necessary. This can be verified with manufacturer trace documentation and qualifying certifications, which are sent out with every applicable order through our NO CHINA SOURCING pledge. Excellence is the fundamental cornerstone of our operations, and we regularly go above and beyond industry expectations to guarantee the finest items with every order. With our commitments in mind, be sure to take the first step of procurement for desired components that fall under NSN 4730-01-614-4760 today.
Item Name | Tube Extension Drain |
Federal Supply Group (FSG) | Pipe Tubing Hose and Fittings |
Federal Supply Class (FSC) | 4730 Hose Pipe Tube Lubrication and Railing Fittings |
National Item Identification Number (NIIN) | 01-614-4760 (016144760) |
NCB Code | USA (01) |
Manufacturer | Fairbanks Morse Llc, Coltec Industries Inc |
MRC | Criteria | Characteristic |
Relevant Components for NSN - 4730-01-614-4760, 4730016144760 | ||||
4720-01-105-8670 (4720011058670) | 4730-01-559-5017 (4730015595017) | 4730-01-689-1521 (4730016891521) | 4730-01-302-7029 (4730013027029) | |
4710-00-035-6216 (4710000356216) | 4720-00-646-8071 (4720006468071) | 4720-01-485-3269 (4720014853269) | 4730-01-662-8439 (4730016628439) | |
4730-01-425-3282 (4730014253282) | 4720-01-589-7624 (4720015897624) | 4730-01-270-5334 (4730012705334) | 4730-01-291-9567 (4730012919567) | |
If You’re Ever Looking for NSN parts Or Have an Aircraft On Ground Situation, Don’t forget That We offer Competitive Pricing and Guaranteed On-Time Delivery.
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